SF(G)型管道軸流式通風機SF(G) axial fan
按客戶要求可提供SF型固定式崗位機; SF-11型可調(diào)式崗位機; SFII型移動可調(diào)式崗位機。
SF(G) senes are featured by low noise, large air volume, electicitysaving, rational structure and etc, whose blades are desi
gned andmade according to 3 Flow Theory. Chosen as ideal devices bymany departments such as chemical, light industry,
Civilconstruction and high-class hotels, the senes are applied toprevent sunstroke and lower temperature for the mining
industryand the workshop storage, or used for pipeline pressure, the ainsupply, ventilation and roof ventilation in eneral industy.
Further more, according to users' needs, our company can alsoprovide SF- I type for fixed status and SF- type for adjustablesta
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版權(quán)所有 ? 佛山市九洲通風機有限公司 ?? 電話:+86-0757-87722909 ?? 傳真:+86-0757-87722249
粵ICP備19080696號-2 技術(shù)支持:上海網(wǎng)站建設
友情鏈接:金相顯微鏡 | 液壓試驗臺 | 振動傳感器 | 回收中央空調(diào) | 旋臂吊 | 電動推桿 | 工作服團體定制 | 高壓反應釜 | 中央空調(diào)回收